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5 Ways You Can Stop Distracted Driving

Menicucci Insurance understands the importance of keeping you and your family safe, and we are here as a resource for you and all your insurance needs.

This month is Distracted Driving Awareness Month, an event intended to bring awareness to distracted driving and educate motorists on how to take preventative steps to ensure safety when operating a motor vehicle.

There are three types of distracted driving:

  • Visual - taking your eyes off the road

  • Manual - taking your hands off the wheel

  • Cognitive - taking your mind off driving

Below are some driver safety guidelines we encourage you to follow and share to keep both you and others safe on the road.

PUT AWAY YOUR PHONE Texting, changing a song, or even looking at directions on your phone is one of the most dangerous forms of distracted driving. This combines all three types of distracted driving as your eyes are off the road looking at your device, hands are busy typing, and your mind is focused on a different task than driving.

LIMIT PHONE CALLS Even in hands-free mode, your ability to focus on the road is severely impaired. According to the National Safety Council, in the part of your brain that processes moving images, activity decreases by as much as one-third while you're speaking or listening on a phone call.

AVOID MULTITASKING Avoid grooming, eating, or picking up something you dropped when driving. Either allow enough time to finish up these things before leaving home or wait until you've reached your destination. If you're on a long road trip, pull over to enjoy your food and get the extra benefit of a break and some fresh air, too.

NO DROWSY DRIVING Driving when drowsy is just as dangerous as driving under the influence. If you are feeling tired, taking a 15 minute nap is long enough to lower the risks of a driving accident. If you're on a long road trip, pull over to enjoy a quick cat nap or stop along the way for a night's rest.

WATCH THE ROAD This might sound like common sense, but it's a good reminder to always keep your eyes on the road. It can be tempting to focus on your passengers and side conversations, or to scope out the scene of an accident. Lessen these distractions and prioritize your attention on driving.


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