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National Crime Prevention Month

Since October is #NationalCrimePreventionMonth, we want to remind you how important it is to keep your home secure, protected and covered - inside and out.

Did you know that nearly one third of burglaries are a result from unlocked doors and windows? Yes, it's true. Intruders will often go through neighborhoods trying each house's doorknobs, windows or back doors to see if one happens to be unlocked.

Unfortunately, they are successful all the time. 2 burglaries occur every minute (that's a break in every 30 seconds!) and New Mexico is the most burglarized state in the nation.

In addition to being diligent with locking your windows and doors, and possibly investing in a home security system, you can insure your valuables.

Homeowners insurance has automatic coverage for jewelry, guns and other valuables, but the standard limits are less than $5,000. However, most companies offer a blanket policy for additional amounts on jewelry, or better yet, you can schedule an item that's valued under $10,000 on your policy without an appraisal. Reach out to our team to schedule an item at (505) 883-3683.

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